Home Labs & Home Automation… Because we Can’t Turn it Off – Podcast #013

by | Jun 6, 2019 | Podcast

Oh yea, we geek-out on the home front too.

The Consultants at IVOXY naturally nerd-out professionally – after all, it IS our job to design, analyze, implement, and educate our customers on all the solutions & technologies we deliver. So it should come as no surprise then, that beyond being keyboard jockeys by day, we also like to automate, command, control, and upgrade all the things in our homes, garages, entertainment systems, etc.

Join hosts Matt Yette and Matt Cozzolino as they discuss their home lab and automation setups, as well as the smart home software and hardware they use to help make life that much geekier.

Get the answers to all these questions (or at least a hint!) and more:

  • Who has Layer 3 switches in their house? And who tunnels to AWS?
  • How much of the VMware product suite can you deploy before you need to upgrade your hosts to bigger, beefier, mega-memory boxes?
  • Do your friends angrily open trouble tickets with you if your PLEX server is unavailable? Have you uplifted your server into containers?
  • Who didn’t like the GNU/Linux movements from rc.d to systemd? Do CentOS and Ubuntu-loving engineers sheepishly admit they have Windows VMs in their home stack? Or even older distributions?
  • What is HomeKit and how does HomeBridge let you stick it to Siri?
  • Do Dave Matthews Band haters really love SQL injection site attacks?

Join us for the best thirty minutes of a hardcore-geek-out-about-your-home-setup podcast you’ll listen to this summer – and be sure to share about your own home setups in the comments below.

Happy listening!

About Data Center Therapy

IT talk with a healthy dose of empathy: Hosts Matt Yette & Matt Cozzolino draw on their combined 40+ years of infrastructure experience as they discuss the ever-changing technology landscape – from virtualization to storage, security to networking, and everything in between.

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