When you need to talk about the supply chain issues that affect IVOXY, our customers and really everyone and everything, who’d be the logical guest to bring on an episode of Data Center Therapy? Maybe…somebody who’s seen it all, and been there from the very start?
This week on DCT, our intrepid hosts, the newly returned Matt “Logistical Challenge Accepted!” Yette and Matt “Holdin’ up the Fort” Cozzolino welcome IVOXY’s founder, Mr. Eric Watson, to the virtual studios to share his unique, broad perspective on the supply chain conundrum. Eric knows finance and the IVOXY customer base quite well, but also the happenings across the globe as they pertain to our collective business, and as such shares the very time-sensitive and complicated causes that got us to where we are right now.
You, our loyal listeners, will also get to hear about:
- How China’s fixed utility/electrical rates impacted the global supply chain through simple microeconomic consequences.
- What IVOXY is currently doing to help our customers when availability and lead times affects the solutions we design and implement.
- And how ransomware protection and increased security-focused activities have changed how IVOXY plan and educate our customers on their own infrastructure, especially in terms of how to remediate incidents quickly.
This episode is a quick but fascinating look at the global, large-scale factors that led us to this point in history, and having Eric on DCT is a rare treat – you’ll want to give this one a listen. If you enjoy this episode, as always, please be sure to like, share and subscribe wherever quality podcasts are found. If you don’t have a plan on what to do if your organization gets hit with ransomware, and you’d like to, please do reach out to your IVOXY Account Manager so we can help ASAP. Stay safe, skate ahead of the technology puck and the supply chain woes, listen to DCT again soon and we hope you have quick shipments and some happy holidays in your future!
About Data Center Therapy
IT talk with a healthy dose of empathy: Hosts Matt Yette & Matt Cozzolino draw on their combined 40+ years of infrastructure experience as they discuss the ever-changing technology landscape – from virtualization to storage, security to networking, and everything in between.
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