Enterprise Storage

Data is the backbone of the modern enterprise organization, and the storage requirements for that data are increasing exponentially.

However, there is much more to storage than just space. IVOXY Consulting are experts in designing efficient, scalable storage solutions that won’t monopolize your valuable IT resources in support time.



Designing effective storage is about understanding your organization’s needs and how they will grow and change over time. In analyzing how your storage will be used and accessed, how your capacity needs are projected to grow, and what contingency requirements you have, our team will develop an implementation that will meet your precise needs.

We have designed storage solutions to accommodate virtually every enterprise scenario, ensuring application compatibility, smooth transition and migration and training to ensure effective on-going management and reliability.




Data storage is a dramatically increasing cost for many large organizations and efficiency is therefore key. IVOXY Consulting can help you weigh the many trade-offs between cost, speed and capacity to create a system finely tuned to your needs.